How to Learn About Urine Therapy

How to Learn About Urine Therapy

Urine therapy, also known as shivambu, amaroli or auto-urine therapy, is the process of drinking one's urine for the purported relief of symptoms such as the flu, asthma, toothache and constipation. Urine therapy includes the application of urine on the skin for minor to major skin problems. It is promoted as a no-cost alternative medicine approach to living a healthier life.

Things You'll Need:

Receptacle for catching urine

Learn About Urine Therapy


Know that urine therapy was widely practiced in early civilizations by the Babylonians and Sumerians. Early Egyptian writings, along with those of Hippocrates and Pliny (the Roman physician), declare the value of urine for medicinal purposes.


Understand that modern science has identified hundreds of components in urine that are essential to the body for healing and maintaining health.


Learn how your body makes its own medicine as described in the article "Urine Therapy" by Biomedx (see Resources below).


Understand that some believe that urine therapy can be used as self-vaccination since the body's own byproducts are reintroduced into the blood stream.

Collect Urine


Keep a clean cup or container available for catching urine.


Wash the genital area to prevent transfer of bacteria to clean urine. Males must retract the foreskin to thoroughly clean the penis and females must clean in the skin folds around the urethra and vagina.


Wash hands thoroughly.


Collect a clean catch of urine by urinating a few seconds into the toilet, then place the container in the urine stream.

Start the Process of Urine Therapy


Prepare mentally to accept the idea of consuming your own urine.


Become familiar with the touch, smell and taste of your urine.


Collect urine and rub it onto your hands.


Put one drop of urine on your tongue to begin adjusting to the taste.


Build up to a tolerance of drinking an ounce or more at a time.


Realize that urine therapy includes external application of fresh or old urine.


Know that different amounts of urine are suggested for different symptoms.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid drinking urine in the presence of a bacterial infection of the urethra or bladder.

Collect the first urine of the day for the most benefit.

Drink only fresh urine since urine left standing is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Stop urine consumption and see your health care provider or go to the emergency room if you experience persistent vomiting.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one that is licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.