How to Learn The Buteyko Method to Improve Asthma

How to Learn The Buteyko Method to Improve Asthma

Feel like your asthma is out of control and traditional medicine is not working? Dr. Buteyko developed an effective holistic approach that can be used anywhere at any time to help patients with asthma, other respiratory illnesses, air hunger and anxiety attacks. His method is based upon the idea that the primary cause of respiratory distress is over-breathing or hidden chronic hyperventilation. By practicing his method of breathing retraining, asthma attacks and prescription drugs can significantly be reduced.

Things You'll Need:


Practice Shallow Breathing


Use only your nose to breathe in and out. Keep your mouth closed.


Breathe only with your diaphragm, never your chest. Sit in front of a mirror. Place your hand on your belly and inhale. Your chest should not move at all, only your hand on your stomach. When exhaling, your stomach should move down to it's normal position.


Place your finger under your nose. Your breathing should be so shallow that you barely feel any air moving.

Implement Breathing Exercises


Sit in an upright position and breathe shallow for 3 minutes.


Time your control pause. Breathe out normally. Pinch your nose shut. Time how long you can hold your breath before feeling the slightest urge to breathe. You may only be able to do this for a few seconds but as you practice your goal should eventually be 60 seconds.


Breathe shallow for 3 minutes.


Take a normal breath in and exhale slowly. Pinch your nose and hold your breath for 20 seconds. When you are done, resist the urge to take a deep breath.


Breathe shallow for 3 more minutes.


Take a normal breath in and exhale slowly. Pinch your nose and hold your breath for 30 seconds. Return to normal breathing.


Breathe shallow for 3 more minutes.


Pinch your nose and hold your breath for 40 seconds. Return to normal breathing.


Breathe shallow for 3 more minutes.


Measure control pause again. Your control pause should be longer than it was at the beginning of the exercise.

Use Buteyko in Everyday Life


Tape your mouth closed when you sleep at night. The whole idea is to retrain your breathing, that means limiting mouth breathing.


Limit rescue inhaler medicines. Use your daily medicines as normal, however the use of fast acting inhalers impede on the effectiveness of Buteyko.


Limit the amount of protein you eat while you are learning the method. It takes the body more energy to burn protein.

Tips & Warnings

To further master Buteyko, considering buying training DVDs available on the Internet. There are also licensed Buteyko practitioners all over the world that can help you master the technique if you can't do it on your own.

Asthma is a very serious health condition. You need to talk with your doctor about any new breathing exercise or alteration in your asthma care.

Many American doctors are not familiar with The Buteyko Method, so be prepared to educate them.

You need to be your own health advocate. Learn everything you can about your condition and all the possible ways to improve it.